#sharethesunshine Sunflower Competition is Open.

It’s Summer Time!

We hope your hard efforts, constant nurturing and green fingers are now showing signs of progress – dare we suggest winning!?

Official entries for the #sharethesunshine Sunflower Competition are now open!!

Prize for the Tallest Sunflower
Send us a full length picture of you or little housemate or bubble friend standing next to your sunflower.
Please state your flowers height in cm and also that of the person in the pic height in cm* 
Prize for Best in bloom
Send us a pic of the flower head in bloom & a full length picture of the same sunflower 
Prize for Best (or worst) progress /picture story
Max 200 words/5 pics will suffice with tales of your trials & tribulations the last few months!

Please ensure your picture/s state which prize you are entering for with your full name and address** to info@sheridanmaine.com
Sunflowers do not need to be in bloom for being the tallest.

Deadline for entries is Friday 14th August 2020.

We hope the competition has brought a little sunshine into your household over the last few weeks/months. Thanks for taking part. 

*Alas as a member of the RHS is not able to visit and measure your sunflower & Monty did not return our phone call; all entries are based on trust, albeit an element of artistic licence is allowed.
But standing on a bucket and claiming to be 6ft 4” might not cut it!😉

**Personal details with the exception of email were deleted after your seeds were sent out.
Personal details (address) will be deleted again once the competition is closed and winners announced. Alternatively please provide a work address.