Share the Sunshine!
In these challenging times we wanted to share a little sunshine with you!
The Sheridan Maniacs are running their very own Sunflower Growing Competition from 1st April 2020!!!
If you have a spare pot, plot, patch or planter – why not plant one of our (soon to be) award winning seeds and see how you get on with growing your very own Sunflower!! Send us your pics & measurements as they grow and we will share the sunshine online, with plans to announce the winner/s mid-July!
Gardening is fun and has its benefits for big and small kids alike…so why not get everyone at home involved. Maybe pop a few spare seeds through the door of a neighbour or someone who could benefit?*
Send us your details today & we will pop some seeds in the post to you. info@sheridanmaine.com
Pop your pot on your ‘work from home’ desk and take 5 minutes each day to see how you are getting on!! At the end of April transfer your Sunflower outside (watch for the slugs) or to a window sill so others can also benefit when your flower comes into bloom!
Good luck
REQUEST SEEDS AT: info@sheridanmaine.com
Please note your details (address) will be deleted once your seeds have been posted.
#sheridanmaine #sunflower #workingfromhome
*Please observe Government & NHS recommendations for those self-isolating and regarding social distancing.